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3 Steps for Becoming a Better Pickleball Doubles Partner

by The Dink Media Team on

Whether you're teaming up with a new pickleball partner, or you're already part of a seasoned duo, there are some simple yet effective strategies that can make your doubles experience a winning one.

Below are a few critical tips for becoming the best pickleball doubles partner you can be.

Call lines for your partner

When your partner is returning serve, help call the lines so they can focus on the return.

The same goes for shots near the baseline. If it's clearly their ball, take the initiative to watch the line and make the call if need be.

Cut down on errors

Be the patient and consistent part of the duo. It's easy to appreciate the partner that plays great defense and sets the team up for easy put aways.

This also means you might have to take less risks.

It's fun to rip that winner down the line, but it's not fun to be the partner watching you rip the ball into the net five times as you go for that down-the-line winner.

Paddle taps

It's a simple concept but it helps. After a great shot, after a not so great shot, maybe after every point

Checking in with your partner and showing support no matter what just happened helps boost team morale.

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Many top pros swear by this. It's mandatory for a strong partnership

Bonus tip: Keep score. Be the one who always knows the score, knows who served first, and which side you're supposed to be on (tips for becoming a better scorekeeper here).

The Dink Media Team

The Dink Media Team

The team behind The Dink, pickleball's original multi-channel media company, now publishing daily for over 1 million avid pickleballers.

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