A pickleball play by Emmy and Golden Globe winner, Jeff Daniels, is scheduled to debut on September 30. The play, titled 'Pickleball', will only be performed at Daniels' 168 seat theater in Chelsea, MI. It is described as:
"A wild comedy about America’s fastest growing sport, four below average players must overcome their own limitations in order to achieve greatness in a game that has nothing to do with pickles."
Daniels is known for his role in major movies throughout the years. He was Harry Dunne in the classic Dumb & Dumber. An absolute classic that is just as funny today as when it was released and will forever provide quotes.
For the 80's and 90's babies, Daniels was Roger, the video game creator and adoptive father to the 101 Dalmations. You probably still have one of the Dalmations Happy Meal toys sitting in a box in your parents' basement.
I'll admit, I haven't seen The Squid and The Whale or The Purple Rose of Cairo but those are listed at the top of the Jeff Daniels IMDB.

More recently, Daniels has been recognized for his role in The Newsroom. Where he delivered a monologue that went viral on social media. Daniels has a reputation for being able to mix drama and comedy with ease. He played a dramatic role as the Director of NASA in Matt Damon's The Martian but still left you smirking with his delivery.
Jeff Daniels and Pickleball
Daniels took some shots at the game in an interview late last year. His wife had become addicted; Daniels didn't get the appeal. He said playing the game made about as much sense as 'drinking paint'. But Daniels is a big sports fan and we're guessing, if he found players at his level he would get hooked, just like wifey.
We'll find out in September if he has changed his tune or if he finally had enough material to rip on pickleball for 90 min of theater time. General tickets go on sale on August 1st but if you have a group of 12 or more, you can purchase seats today. The group deal makes more sense anyway, grab the 12 pack so you can invite members of your pickleball crew.
The play runs from September to December so there is plenty of time to make a trip to the mitten and get in on the fun. We expect the play to sell out at the Purple Rose Theater but who knows what comes next. With the way pickleball is growing you could see the show spread into theaters across the country.
Move over Hamilton, here comes Pickleball!