The Major League Pickleball 2025 Season is right around the corner!
We just published the MLP 2025 Season Updates:

If you have not read that article, I HIGHLY recommend you do so. It will be much easier to follow along with my logic throughout this article.
There are 24 days until keepers/drops must be submitted to MLP. This gives teams a little over three weeks to make trades before announcing their keepers.
This article is my view of each team, as they stand today. There may be updates/edits to this article as players are signed and/or rules are tweaked.
One HUGE caveat that needs to be said: Teams do not pay the players salaries - the UPA pays the players’ contracts. Instead, in order to keep a player, the team must pay half of their 2024 Draft Points as dollars, to MLP.
Example: Ben Johns was drafted for 840,000 Draft Points in 2024. In order for the Carolina Pickleball Club to keep him, Carolina needs to pay $420,000 to MLP (half his Draft Points in dollars).
Premier Level teams and their current player salaries
This chart shows the salary each team would owe to MLP if they kept every player on their roster. Obviously that is not allowed, but I think this chart depicts where each team stands.
NOTE: As MLP trades are announced, I will continue to update this article

Challenger Level teams and their current player salaries

Team by team roster and salary analysis
Four notes before we get into each team:
- A player who was acquired after the initial 2024 draft (and therefore unable to be kept) is highlighted gray and bolded and italic
- A player who is NOT signed with the UPA exclusively is highlighted in red ***to the best of my knowledge***. There is very little publication about who is, or is not, signed as a UPA player. This is the best information I have at this time
- A player who is NOT signed with the UPA AND was acquired after the initial 2024 draft is highlighted red, bolded, and italic
- The 2024 Player Ranking is listed for each player - this is MY player ranking, not the one that is on the MLP website. MLP uses points won percentage as the top sorting feature. I believe game win percentage is much more important than points won percentage. I used a simple rule - rank every player in Premier Level that played at least 30 games.
- The 2025 Roster Cost is what the team has to pay to the league in order to keep that player in 2025.
Examples of the above:

The Black Bears show all of the examples above. Lina was initially drafted in 2024 in Challenger and was traded, and is signed with UPA - she is the only player on California that can be kept. Hendry was drafted, but is not signed with the UPA. Haworth was not drafted and is not signed with the UPA. French is signed with the UPA, but was not initially drafted in 2024.
The order of teams is the highest salary down to the lowest salary.
Premier Level
Orlando Squeeze

Total Team Salary: $635,000
2024 player transactions after the initial draft: Orlando traded Jay Devilliers for Tyson McGuffin and, later in the year, traded Parris Todd for Meghan Dizon. They have the highest salary of any team.
2025 player trades: Orlando traded Tyson McGuffin and Meghan Dizon to Phoenix, in exchange for Dylan Frazier and Lacy Schneemann.
Likely to Stay:
- Federico Staksrud - $200,000
Tyson McGuffin - $145,000- I was wrong here - Tyson got traded- Dylan Frazier - $177,500
- Lacy Schneemann - $20,500
Fed is a top five guy in all disciplines and is one of the best all around players, and he isn’t terribly expensive compared to others in the top five. While Fed and Tyson didn’t have a great 2024 campaign together, they seem to get along well and if you have a good right side guy in men’s that can also play a good mixed game from the left, you probably want to keep Tyson as well.
Could be Traded/Dropped:
Meghan Dizon - $150,000- Dizon was traded to AZ- Vivienne David - $140,000
Dizon and David are both easily top 15 women. They both prefer (and are better) on the right side. Since Orlando needs to drop at least one player, I think they try to trade either Viv or Meghan for cash and a player they will eventually drop. They will then have to pay handsomely for a woman who prefers the left side during the waiver period, as they will be in demand.
Most Likely Outcome: I am guessing Dizon is in enough demand that a team trades a player and cash for her and then Orlando drops that player. Orlando keeps Fed, Tyson, and Viv.
Update after trades: Orlando traded for Schneemann and Frazier. They still have Viv David and Federico Staksrud. If the roster stays the same, I expect them to drop Viv David. I wouldn't be surprised to see one more trade from the Squeeze, though.
Columbus Sliders

Total Team Salary: $509,000 $235,000 $432,500
2024 player transactions after the initial draft: Columbus traded Connor Garnett for Jay Devilliers, Brooke Buckner for Andrea Koop, and eventually got Callie Smith for Buckner, and Meghan Dizon for Parris Todd.
2025 player trades: Riley and cash was traded for CJ Klinger in late January. On February 14th, Columbus traded Jay Devilliers and cash for Andrei Daescu.
Likely to Stay:
Riley Newman - $275,000- Well I was wrong here - Riley was traded to NY- Parris Todd - $92,500
- CJ Klinger - $1,000
- Andrei Daescu - $265,000
Riley is the only player on this team that I am confident will stay. The only reason the Sliders would drop Riley is if they didn’t think he is a premier, elite player anymore and didn’t want to pay the $275k for him. I doubt that to be the case, but if they are looking to save money, the first place to look is Riley. In terms of Parris, she is easily a top 15 woman and costs less than $100k - no-brainer to keep her, unless you get an unbelievable trade offer. CJ being added makes sense in a salary dump. I still think AZ might be in the mix to trade for CJ.
Could be Traded/Dropped:
- Callie Smith - $74,000
Jay Devilliers - $67,500Jay was traded to Phoenix
Callie is most accustomed to the left side in women’s doubles and plays the right in mixed. I would put her in the bottom half of women in the Premier Level, but her low salary could make her an attractive trade candidate. Jay was dealing with an injury at the end of 2024, but seems to be fully healed.
Most Likely Outcome: I expect Devilliers to be dropped, CJ is kept, and then Riley will be able to find a free agent to partner up with. Callie and Parris stay.
Updates after Trades: I expect Callie to be dropped. CJ, Andrei, and Parris will be kept.
LA Mad Drops
Total Team Salary: $500,000
2024 player transactions after the initial draft: This is the same exact team that was drafted to start 2024.
Likely to Stay:
- Catherine Parenteau - $220,000
- Jade Kawamoto - $85,000
- Hunter Johnson - $20,000
Catherine is the marquee player for the Mad Drops. Jade and Hunter played great in 2024 - well above their draft slot and since they cost so little, will likely be kept.
Likely to be dropped:
- Thomas Wilson - $185,000
Obviously, Thomas is a great player. He was taken 10th overall, in 2024. He has been dealing with health issues since June and hasn’t been able to play. LA was forced to rely on substitutes through much of 2024, while Thomas was on IR. He makes the most sense to drop. I am hoping Thomas is able to find a solution to the health problems that continue plaguing him - everyone in pro pickleball misses him.
Most Likely Outcome: LA keeps Catherine, Jade, and Hunter. Wilson is dropped and LA is searching for a left side guy to pair with Hunter. If only Julian Arnold wanted to play MLP again.... if only.
New Jersey 5s

Total Team Salary: $499,000 $450,000
2024 player transactions after the initial draft: This is the same exact team that was drafted to start 2024.
2025 trades: The 5s traded Mari Humberg to the Brooklyn Aces (Challenger) for Amanda Hendry and cash.
Likely to stay:
- Anna Leigh Waters - $340,000
- Zane Navratil - $85,000
- Mari Humberg - $49,000
Anna Leigh was by far the MVP of all MLP in 2024. She is the franchise player every team is looking for and whatever New Jersey has to pay for her, they will. Zane and Mari played great complimentary roles, even if their stats weren’t great. Mari could make for an interesting trade prospect if other teams are looking for a great left side woman in both mixed and women's (think teams with lefties).
Has to be dropped:
Will Howells - $27,500
Will was my Most Improved player in 2024. Because he is not exclusively signed to the UPA, he will not be allowed to play MLP in 2025. Howells will have to be dropped, forcing the 5s hands. Howells has turned himself into a top 5 left side guy and at $27k is a steal, if they are able to keep him.
Will be dropped:
- Amanda Hendry - $0 (Not signed with UPA)
Most Likely Outcome: Howells is dropped due to the new rule and the 5s are in search of a left side guy.
Update after Will Howells became MLP eligible and a trade: Howells became MLP eligible the day of the deadline. That made the 5s drop decision much more difficult. They eventually thought they would drop Mari, but instead got some cash for her from Brooklyn. Looks like ALW, Will, and Zane will run it back. Who will they pick up alongside ALW?
Amanda Hendry will be dropped because she isn't a UPA signed player.
St. Louis Shock
Total Team Salary: $498,500
2024 player transactions after the initial draft: This is the same exact team that was drafted to start 2024.
Likely to Stay:
- Anna Bright - $295,000
- Hayden Patriquin - $102,500
Anna Bright and Hayden Patriquin finished 2 and 3 in terms of my ranking for 2024. They were unbelievable together and have great chemistry on and off the court (you don't go for a 45 mile hike through the Grand Canyon with someone you don't like).
Could be Traded/Dropped:
- Gabe Tardio - $92,500
- Kate Fahey - $8,500
I can think of three possible outcomes for the Shock:
- They drop Gabe and buy him back with one of the first waiver pickups
- They drop Kate and buy her back with one of the first waiver pickups
- They trade Kate for cash and a player, drop that player, and then pick up a woman in waivers
Kate will cost the most to buy back - if she is dropped, she will likely be the hottest commodity in waivers. A simple fact of MLP is that the top women are worth more than the top men - top women are scarcer than top men. Kate has a VERY high value as a trade asset because she only costs $8,500. The only way Kate is traded, though, is if Anna Bright and/or Ross Chaifitz is certain of their next up-and-coming woman to target to replace Kate. The Shock have as much capital available as any other team, so I don’t think they really care about the costs as much.
Most Likely Outcome: Gabe is dropped and is then the first overall waiver pickup. The reason I slightly lean this way is the rule about players acquired in 2025 free agency - they can be kept for three years. To be able to keep Gabe for 2025, 2026, AND 2027 would be a big win.
New York Hustlers

Total Team Salary: $495,500 $627,000
2024 player transactions after the initial draft: This is the same exact team that was drafted to start 2024.
2025 player trades: Traded CJ Klinger to Columbus for Riley and cash. Also traded Jackie Kawamoto to D.C. for Viv Glozman and cash. Lastly, traded Viv Glozman for Susannah Barr and cash.
Likely to Stay:
Jackie Kawamoto - $142,500- Boy was I wrong hereCJ Klinger - $1,000- And againVivian Glozman - $0 - I can't imagine NY getting rid of a player that costs them nothing to keep.Well - NY proved me wrong again.
Jackie and CJ are the most consistent players for the Hustlers. Jackie has one of the best roll drops in all of pickleball. CJ has moved himself into the category of top 3 lefties in the game. Their low price tags are an added bonus.
Could be Traded/Dropped:
- Jack Sock - $275,000
- Lea Jansen - $77,000
- Riley Newman - $275,000
Jack is tied for the fourth-largest salary bill in all of MLP. While his ceiling is super high, his floor is super low. His inconsistency is hard to handle as the number one player on the team. Lea also has a super high ceiling and struggles with inconsistency at times. Elite level women are going to be in high demand, and I think Lea would be a very valuable trading asset because teams are going to become desparate for a top 10 woman like Lea. I don't see NY keeping Riley - he just costs too much for that.
Most Likely Outcome: The Hustlers keep CJ and Jackie. I think NY drops Riley AND Jack and keeps Viv Glozman and Lea Jansen. I think NY keeps Jansen and drops the rest.
Texas Ranchers
Total Team Salary: $491,500
2024 player transactions after the initial draft: The Ranchers traded Pablo Tellez to the Brooklyn Aces for Martin Emmrich and cash. They then dropped Emmrich and picked up Quang Duong in the first Waiver Period.
Likely to Stay:
- Christian Alshon - $265,000
- Etta Wright - $157,500
- Tina Pisnik - $69,000
The Ranchers were very good in 2024. Alshon and Etta both had some health issues in 2024 and Etta is still dealing with some issues (she missed The Masters). However, their minor injuries are overshadowed by their elite level of play. Pisnik is one of the best value picks of any player in MLP.
Has to be Dropped:
- Quang Duong
Quang Duong has to be dropped by the Ranchers. The decision is already made, due to the rules. The question becomes, does Texas buy him back? He is probably going to cost a lot, being one of, if not THE best left side guy in the free agency draft.
Most Likely Outcome: Quang is dropped and Texas keeps Alshon, Pisnik, and Wright.
D.C. Pickleball Team

Total Team Salary: $491,000 $633,500
2024 player transactions after the initial draft: D.C. traded Allyce Jones and $100k to the Bay Area Breakers for Viv Glozman early in the 2024 MLP Season.
2025 player trades: D.C. traded Viv Glozman and cash to the NY Hustlers for Jackie Kawamoto.
Likely to Stay:
- Rachel Rohrabacher - $165,000
Vivian Glozman - $0- Wrong here as well- Jackie Kawamoto - $142,500
Rachel is without a question a top five woman in MLP. She proved her consistency throughout 2024 and that she isn’t just an Anna Bright sidekick. She is a superstar all by herself. Glozman costing $0 to keep is a huge no-brainer. Jackie is super consistent - love this trade for D.C. in terms of talent brought in. Jackie and Rachel are a top 2/3 team in women's doubles to start 2025.
Could be Traded/Dropped:
- James Ignatowich - $250,000
- Dekel Bar - $76,000
The decision on who to drop comes down to the two guys, for D.C. Dekel is more versatile because he can play both left and right side roles in men’s. James has a higher ceiling in mixed doubles than Dekel. As you can see above, Dekel also costs nearly $200,000 less than James. Additionally, James is very inconsistent - he has the highest of highs and then sometimes he can’t hit a third shot to save his life. With the decision to add salary in trading for Jackie, it is looking more and more like D.C. will drop or trade James.
Most Likely Outcome: Ignatowtich is dropped and then D.C. tries to pick him back up in the free agency draft. D.C. retains Rohrabacher, Glozman, and Bar. I think they keep Kawamoto too.
AZ Drive Phoenix Flames

Total Team Salary: $468,500 $565,000 $368,000
2024 player transactions after the initial draft: The Drive traded Kaitlyn Christian to Carolina for Jessie Irvine late in the 2024 season.
2025 player trades: Phoenix traded Dylan Frazier and Lacy Schneemann to the Orlando Squeeze for Meghan Dizon and Tyson McGuffin. Phoenix traded Andrei Daescu to the Columbus Sliders for Jay Devilliers and cash.
I have no idea what Arizona is going to do:
Andrei Daescu - $265,000Andrei was traded to ColumbusDylan Frazier - $177,500Dylan was traded to OrlandoLacy Schneemann - $20,500Lacy was traded to Orlando- Meghan Dizon - $150,000
- Tyson McGuffin - $145,000
- Jessie Irvine - $5,500
Arizona never got into a groove last year. Andrei and Dylan were taken first and second, and were just mid, the entire season. Women’s wasn’t really good with either Jessie or Kaitlyn. Dylan wasn’t great in mixed. There are so many different options for Arizona.
If I had to guess, they trade one of the guys, and drop Jessie. Because both Andrei and the AZ Drive are sponsored by Proton, I tend to think they keep Andrei. With Dylan wanting to play the left more in 2025, I don’t know who would trade for him, without him proving he can actually play the left side at an elite level.
Likely to be dropped/traded:
- Jay Devilliers - $67,500
Most Likely Outcome: I am not confident at all in my answer here. I am guessing AZ trades Dylan for a player and cash and drop that player. I also think they keep Jessie and try to find a third woman who can also get some playing time. Dylan is traded, while Andrei, Jessie, and Lacy are kept.
Update after trades: I guess Phoenix could have traded for Tyson and Meghan to drop one of them, but I find that unlikely. With the Proton ties, I don't see Phoenix dropping Andrei or Meghan. That only leaves Jessie. I wonder who might be willing to trade for Jessie before the deadline? Maybe the St. Louis Shock?
Update after 2nd trade: I officially have no idea what Phoenix is doing. Andrei Daescu is the best Proton sponsored player and Phoenix is partially owned by Proton. I thought for sure they would keep him. They did shed a ton of salary by moving Daescu and replacing him with Devilliers.
Carolina Pickleball Club

Total Team Salary: $455,000 $450,000
2024 player transactions after the initial draft: The Carolina team traded Jessie Irvine to the AZ Drive for Kaitlyn Christian and they also traded Andrea Koop to the Sliders for Brooke Buckner.
2025 trades: Carolina was involved in a 3 way trade that sent Brooke Buckner to Las Vegas, Judit Castillo to SoCal, and Yana Newell to Carolina.
I have no idea what Carolina is going to do:
- Ben Johns - $420,000
- Kaitlyn Christian - $29,500
Brooke Buckner - $5,000- Collin Johns - $1,000
Similar to Arizona, I have no idea what Carolina is going to do. The Johns bros are playing with different partners on the PPA Tour and don’t really enjoy MLP as much, anyway. While Ben is the best player in the world, the gap is shrinking. I am unsure if the Carolina ownership wants to pay $420,000 to keep him. While Collin is not very good at mixed, he is still an elite right side guy in men's. I would bet they could trade him to one of the Challenger teams moving up. With the news that teams can have three men on rosters, Collin for sure has a role somewhere in Premier.
Must drop:
- Yana Newell - $0 (Yana is not signed with the UPA and must be dropped)
Most Likely Outcome: They keep Ben, drop Kaitlyn, keep Brooke, and trade Collin. Again, very little confidence in this one.
Update after the trade: I think Carolina drops Newell, and keeps everyone else.
Dallas Flash
Total Team Salary: $440,500
2024 player transactions after the initial draft: This is the same exact team that was drafted to start 2024.
Likely to Stay:
- JW Johnson - $195,000
- Jorja Johnson - $142,500
- Hurricane Tyra Black - $92,500
This is probably the easiest roster decision-making scenario where a team isn't just forced to drop a certain player. The Flash have JW Johnson and two top 10 women in pickleball in Jorja and HTB. They all played phenomenally to win the championship in 2024.
Could be dropped/traded:
- Augie Ge - $10,500
Ge played AMAZING in the finals and was probably the difference maker in terms of the Flash winning. However, they will likely drop him and just pick him right back up in the free agency draft.
Most Likely Outcome: Augie is dropped.
Utah Black Diamonds
Total Team Salary: $99,500
2024 player transactions after the initial draft: Utah traded Tyson McGuffin for Jay Devilliers early on in 2024. They then traded Jay for Connor Garnett. Late in the year they made a ton of moves to make some extra cash, when they were well out of the playoff picture. Essentially, they traded Callie Smith to the Sliders for cash and then picked up Genie for one event. Genie cannot be kept.
Likely to Stay:
- Connor Garnett - $70,000
- Tyler Loong - $29,000
- Alix Truong - $500
This roster is by far the cheapest to maintain in all of Premier Level. Connor and Tyler are playing PPAs together, and Connor and Alix definitely got better in mixed throughout the year. Utah just needs to get another woman to play with Alix.
Has to be dropped:
- Genie Bouchard - $0
Genie has been getting better and better in the last six months. She has to be dropped, though, because she wasn’t originally drafted.
Most Likely Outcome: Genie Bouchard has to be dropped.
Miami Pickleball Club
Total Team Salary: $0
2024 player transactions after the initial draft: Miami dropped Roscoe Bellamy for Noe Khlif in waivers and they also dropped Rianna Valdez for Bobbi Oshiro in another waiver maneuver.
Likely to Stay:
- Milan Rane - $0
- Eric Oncins - $0
The teams that were promoted are going to need to do the most shuffling and probably pay the most money in the free agency draft. Keeping the only two players they are allowed to is a no-brainer for Miami.
Has to be dropped/traded:
- Bobbi Oshiro - $0
- Noe Khlif - $0
Bobbi and Khlif both have to be dropped because they weren’t drafted in 2024. Noe is a signed UPA player, so he will be in the player pool for the free agency draft. Bobbi, however, isn't signed, so she will not be eligible for MLP in 2025.
Most Likely Outcome: Bobbi and Noe are dropped.
Chicago Slice
Total Team Salary: $0
2024 player transactions after the initial draft: Chicago dropped Kelsey Grambeau for Megan Fudge.
Likely to stay: No one
Have to be dropped/traded: None of the Chicago Slice team are UPA signed players to my knowledge, so they all have to be dropped. Chicago is going to have to spend the most money in the waiver event to field a team.
Most Likely Outcome: Every player is dropped and Chicago is starting from scratch in 2025.
SoCal Hard Eights

Total Team Salary: $0
2024 player transactions after the initial draft: Christine Maddox was dropped for Yana Newell.
2025 trades: SoCal was involved in a three team trade where they sent Yana Newell to Carolina, Carolina sent Brooke Buckner to Las Vegas, and Las Vegas sent SoCal Judit Castillo.
Likely to Stay:
- Erik Lange - $0
- Judit Castillo - $0
Irina and Erik are the only UPA signed players, and therefore the only ones eligible to be kept. Lange is really the only option that is Premier Level ready.
Could be dropped/traded:
- Irina Tereschenko - $0
Irina isn’t really Premier Level anymore, despite being the original MLP GOAT. They could try to trade her to one of the remaining Challenger Level teams, though. With rosters expanded to six, maybe SoCal keeps Irina?
Must be dropped:
- Purple Jesus - $0
Yana Newell - $0- Yana got traded
Most Likely Outcome: Irina, Max, and Yana are all dropped. Erik is kept.
Update after the trade: SoCal picked up Judit Castillo in the last minute, which is a great pickup for them. Now they have Erik Lange and Judit to keep. I am 50/50 if SoCal is going to drop Tereschenko, and they have to drop Purple Jesus because he isn't signed.
Atlanta Bouncers

Total Team Salary: $0
2024 player transactions after the initial draft: The Bouncers dropped Angie Walker for Susannah Barr and then traded Genie Erokhina for Emily Cederquist.
Likely to stay:
- Jaume Martinez Vich - $0
- Vivian Glozman - $0
Jaume was the best player in Challenger in 2024, and will be in high demand in 2025. Atlanta will likely keep him unless they are offered some sort of crazy trade that they can’t pass up.
Could be dropped/traded:
- Todd Fought - $0
I have no doubt that Fought will be a Premier Level player in 2025. However, if Atlanta drops him, they will probably be able to pick him up for cheap, if they can’t find another partner for Jaume. Fought is very versatile in that he can play the left and right in men’s and is very serviceable in mixed doubles. I could see a team trading for him as well, with his $0 price tag.
Have to be dropped:
Susannah Barr - $0- Barr ended up being traded- Emily Cederquist - $0
Both Barr and Cederquist are unsigned, so they have to be dropped.
Most Likely Outcome: Barr and Cederquist are dropped, and I am 50/50 on whether Atlanta drops or trades Fought. Jaume is the only one to stay.
Update after the trade: Barr wasn't able to be kept, but they got a huge upgrade in Viv Glozman, who they can retain for two years. Obviously, they are going to keep Jaume and Viv. The only real question is, do they keep Todd Fought?
Challenger Level
Brooklyn Aces

Total Team Salary: $12,000 $5,500
2024 player transactions after the initial draft: The Aces traded Martin Emmrich and cash for Pablo Tellez early in the 2024 season. Late in the 2024 season, they also traded Lina Padigemaite for Andrea Koop.
2025 player trades: The Aces traded Layne Sleeth to the California Black Bears for Amanda Hendry. The Aces traded Pablo Tellez to the Las Vegas Night Owls for Blaine Hovenier. At the buzzer, The Brooklyn Aces traded Amanda Hendry for Mari Humberg and gave the 5s cash for Humberg.
Likely to Stay:
Layne Sleeth - $0Sleeth was traded to the Black Bears- Daniel De La Rosa - $0
- Mari Humberg - $49,000
Daniel was one of the best Challenger Level players in 2024, despite having new teammates throughout the year. Sleeth continues to get better, but I don’t think anyone from Premier is trying to trade for her, just yet.
Could be traded:
Pablo Tellez - $6,500Tellez was traded to the Las Vegas Night Owls- Andrea Koop - $5,500
Koop and Tellez were originally in Premier to start 2024, but were both traded for by Brooklyn to secure promotion to Premier. However, the Frisco Pandas had different ideas, and the Aces are in Challenger Level for another year.
Pablo is in a very interesting situation. He is one of the few sponsored LOTTO players, and LOTTO also has an ownership stake in the Aces. The LOTTO logo is incorporated into the Brooklyn Aces logo. Does Brooklyn front office staff ask him to stay in Challenger for another year, or do they try to capitalize on his trade value and get some cash in exchange for him?
Koop could also be traded if she is committed to MLP for 2025. She could just as easily be kept by Brooklyn, with the Aces hoping she can help them win the Challenger Level in 2025.
Will be dropped:
- Blaine Hovenier - $0
Amanda Hendry - $0
Most Likely Outcome: Brooklyn keeps DDLR, Layne, and Koop. Pablo is traded to a Premier Level team and whoever he is traded for is dropped.
Update after trades: Brooklyn will drop Hovenier because they have to. I think they keep DDLR and Mari Humberg, and Koop.
Bay Area Breakers

Total Team Salary: $9,000
2024 player transactions after the initial draft: Bay Area traded Viv Glozman for Allyce and cash in early 2024. The Breakers dropped Rachel Rettger for Jill Braverman in the first waiver period. Bay Area dropped Patrick Kawka and picked up DJ Young from waivers. They then dropped DJ Young for Martin Emmrich.
Could be traded:
- Allyce Jones - $9,000
Allyce started the year in the Premier Level and was traded to a Challenger Level team. The Breakers and Jones both didn’t play up to expectations in 2024 MLP. However, she did play well in the latter half of the year in PPAs, making some deep runs with Hurricane Tyra Black. With the addition of four teams from Challenger to Premier, Jones may be a valuable commodity. Her $9,000 price tag is very low as well.
Will be dropped:
- Collin Shick - $0
- Jill Braverman - $0
- Martin Emmrich - $0
Shick signed a one-year deal because he is going back to medical school starting in 2025. Braverman cannot be kept because she was picked up off the waiver wire. Emmrich cannot be kept because he was dropped and then later in the year he was picked up by Bay Area.
Most Likely Outcome: Bay Area keeps trades Allyce, and drops Shick, Emmrich, and Braverman, essentially starting over.
California Black Bears

Total Team Salary: $0
2024 player transactions after the initial draft: The Black Bears made so many moves in their disastrous 2024 campaign that I may not be able to keep up. They dropped DJ Young and picked up Brandon French. Susannah Barr was also picked up in that waiver period, and the Black Bears dropped Emily Cederquist. They traded Rafa Hewett to Las Vegas for Mo Alhouni and cash. The Black Bears then dropped Alhouni for Chris Haworth. They traded Susannah Barr to Atlanta for Genie Erokhina. They then traded Genie Erokhina and cash for Lina Padegimaite.
Likely to Stay:
- Lina Padegimaite - $0
- Rafa Hewett - $0
- Layne Sleeth - $0
Lina got bounced around from team to team a little toward the end of the 2024 campaign. She is a very solid Challenger Level woman who can play both sides, and prefers the left in women’s.
Will be dropped:
Chris Haworth - $0Chris was traded to Las Vegas for Rafa Hewett- Brandon French - $0
Amanda Hendry - $0Amanda was traded to Brooklyn for Layne Sleeth
Both Chris and Brandon were picked up in waivers after the initial draft, therefore, they have to be dropped. Hendry isn't a signed UPA player and she has to be dropped as well.
Most Likely Outcome: California keeps Lina, and drops Hendry, Haworth, and French.
Update after the trades: California made some trades to get players they could actually keep. Layne, Lina, and Rafa will all be kept and French has to be dropped.
Florida Smash
Total Team Salary: $0
2024 player transactions after the initial draft: Florida dropped Pat Smith and picked up Yates Johnson. The Smash dropped Tammy Emmrich for Christa Gecheva in waivers in 2024. In a later waiver period, Florida dropped Yates Johnson and picked up Donald Young.
Likely to Stay:
- Travis Rettenmaier - $0
Travis is still a good Challenger Level player and is the most likely to stay on the Smash.
Could be dropped:
- Martina Frantova - $0
Frantova played the entire year on the Smash in 2024. She is a 50/50 for me, whether Florida keeps her or not. I am guessing that they do keep her.
Will be dropped:
- Christa Gecheva - $0
- Donald Young - $0
Gecheva and Young were both picked up off waivers and are therefore not allowed to be kept.
Most Likely Outcome: Florida keeps Rettenmaier and Frantova and drops Gecheva and Young.
Frisco Nashville Pandas

Total Team Salary: $0
2024 player transactions after the initial draft: Frisco dropped John Cincola and picked up Michael Loyd. They also dropped Alli Phillips and picked up Tammy Emmrich.
Likely to Stay:
- Stefan Auvergne - $0
Stefan is a good Challenger Level player and probably stays with Frisco.
Could be traded:
- Ewa Radzikowska - $0
Ewa is a phenomenal left side woman with incredible power and great leadership. She will be a trade target, especially from the teams who are going up from Challenger to Premier. With six roster spots in Premier, I would guess Radzikowska has value for a Premier Level team.
Will be dropped:
- Michael Loyd - $0
- Tammy Emmrich - $0
Loyd was picked up off waivers and Frisco cannot keep him. Tammy was drafted, then dropped, and then picked up again. This makes her ineligible to be kept.
Most Likely Outcome: Frisco keeps Stefan, trades Ewa, and drops Loyd and Tammy. I think Loyd is going to be a sought after target in the free agency draft, as he will be one of only a few true left side guys available.
Las Vegas Night Owls

Total Team Salary: $0 $6,500 $11,500
2024 player transactions after the initial draft: Las Vegas traded Mo Alhouni and cash for Rafa Hewett. They also traded Anderson Scarpa for Blaine Hovenier in the most controversial move of 2024. Hovenier was an IR sub for the Mad Drops and for LA to retain control of him to be able to trade him was questionable, at best. Either way, it was done and the combo of Rafa and Blaine never really clicked.
2025 player trades: Las Vegas traded Rafa Hewett to the Black Bears for Chris Haworth. Las Vegas traded Blaine Hovenier to the Brooklyn Aces for Pablo Tellez. In a last minute deal, the Night Owls were part of a 3 team trade. It involved them sending Judit Castillo to SoCal, SoCal sent Yana Newell to Carolina, and Carolina sent Brooke Buckner to the Night Owls.
Likely to Stay:
Rafa Hewett - $0I was wrong - Rafa was traded back to the Black Bears- Pablo Tellez - $6,500
- Brooke Buckner - $5,000
Rafa didn’t have an overly good 2024 MLP season. While he is highly entertaining, I don’t think a Premier Level team is going to trade for him.
Could be traded:
- Chao Yi “Zoey” Wang - $0
- Judit Castillo - $0
Zoey is probably going to be the biggest trade target from the 2024 Challenger Level. She is super consistent on the left side in women’s, with one of the best backhand flicks at the kitchen line. She is good in mixed and very good in singles. Judit played a super solid right side for Las Vegas and could be traded to a Premier Level team, especially with rosters expanding to six.
Will be dropped:
Blaine Hovenier - $0Blaine was traded to the Aces for Pablo Tellez- Chris Haworth - $0
Hovenier was traded for and picked up off waivers, and Las Vegas cannot keep him.
Most Likely Outcome: Las Vegas keeps Rafa, trades both Zoey and Judit, and drops Blaine. Blaine will definitely be a Premier Level pickup in the free agency draft.
Update after the trades: Las Vegas will look to keep Zoey, Brooke, and Pablo. They have to drop Haworth.
Check back in on this article for any updates or changes as more news breaks.