More and more pros are adopting the open stance serve. The serve differs from the traditional closed stance serve that you’re probably used to seeing.
- In the closed stance serve, the server’s feet are staggered. The non-paddle side foot is in front and the server steps forward as the serve is executed.
- In the open stance serve, the server’s feet are squared up to the court, each about the same distance from the baseline. Because the feet are square there is no need to step forward.
The server cuts down the serving motion by pre-loading the hip turn. They basically skip the step and start with their hips turned.
Collin Johns was on the call at the Desert Ridge Open and said that he and his brother Ben have both made the switch from closed to open.
For the Johns bros, it made sense because of the new service rule in play at PPA pro events. “Because of the new rule, you have to strike the ball relatively quickly.”
The new rule requires the ball to be dropped from hip height. This does not leave much time for the swing to take place. In order to hit the ball at the highest point possible, contact should occur quickly after the ball is released.
A big question that comes with this serve is are you still able to generate power without stepping into the serve? The power still comes from using the large muscles, Johns says, “You have to be a little bit more disciplined” about loading the hips and shoulders.

The open stance could also be utilized for players who struggle with accuracy. The open stance limits the overall serve motion.
There is no step and your body is already facing the target. With those variables limited, you should see more consistent results on where your serve is landing and would be a great solution for any server battling the yips.
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