PicklePod 23: Two Gold Medals in Her Pro Debut. Who is Anna Bright?
In the most recent episode of PicklePod with Tyson Apostol and Thomas Shields are joined by breakout pickleball star, Anna Bright.
Anna Bright called her shot last weekend so we had to get her on the show. Coming off a historic pro pickleball debut, Bright tells us what it's like to become instantly famous in the pickleball world. The 2022 dance card is filling up fast for the former Cal tennis player, so shoot your shot while you have your chance. Tyson and Thomas wrap things up with some world class philosophy and geography.
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*Show notes:*
(0:38) Anna Bright joins the pod after calling her shot at APP
(8:20) An extensive tennis background turns into a pickleball addiction
(14:10) Anna is coming after top pros and the guys are coming to partner up
(23:20) It’s going down in the DMs
(27:50) Questions for Thomas turns into Survivor business for Tyson
(33:40) Anna signs off and partners up with Tyson
(36:25) More updates from Austin
(46:10) NML pickleball is no longer anonymous
(52:00) Time to get your own pickleball court and having a third place