The first on-site DQ for paddle delamination, pickleball pro flips the bird to courtside heckler and a new rebel will sell you a juiced up paddle. We thought we could get away with taking a week off but there is too much happening in the world of pickleball. We cover the Newport Beach Shootout, US Open and results from the infamous Red Rock Open paddle challenge.

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Show Notes:
0:00 Twitter’s MVPs
3:55 Meme of the week
10:40 One stream for all the pickleball drama
13:07 US Open pro results
16:18 The drama filled Newport Beach Shootout
18:46 Ben and Collin lose to Newell and Locklear
21:09 One singles tournament per month
24:48 Six paddles exceed the limits during MLP testing
29:43 The challenge results from PPA Red Rock Open
34:35 What happened with the Ansboury DQ
42:53 Lea Jansen’s response to Red Rock results
47:37 The guy juicing paddles