The boys have been on the road and are back with some classic stories. Thomas went toe-to-toe with Jay Devilliers on the court before attending Ed Sheeran in Detroit. Zane ended a match in the most savage way possible. He recounts one of the strangest on-court injuries that you will ever hear. The discussion leads to the APP’s new growth strategy which appears to be an international endeavor.
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Show Notes:
0:00 Attending Ed Sheeran with Jay Devilliers
5:35 Oh man, "This is going to be on the pod"
8:30 Zane with a chip on his shoulder
12:50 Announcing the ProXR swear jar
16:25 Beer City’s development and operation
25:48 Pickleball concussions are a real thing
30:26 Zane’s Nasty Nelson
40:22 The Best Hands Index
51:15 Emerging stat best indicator of success
54:15 APP Tour going international
59:11 Finding the next big pickleball event
1:14:34 Stop Alzheimer’s Now questions