The Seattle Open was full of headlines. The guys cover Lea’s singles retirement, Pablo’s costly paddle throw and the upset over the Johns bros. MLP announced new paddle color guidelines to eliminate a possibly unfair advantage. Zane discusses how he pushes the rules to their limit.
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Show Notes:
0:00 A warm welcome for Zane in Boston
5:20 Zane’s spin drill catches some hate
10:17 New MLP paddle guidelines
16:33 ProXR in the hands of some surprise winners
23:10 Pushing the limits to their edge
33:33 Getting reps against the best talent in Austin
43:27 PPA Seattle and Lea’s retirement
50:26 An ‘assault’ of the scoreboard
53:55 Riley vs Matt + T Swift
57:50 Catching the early erne and beef history
1:00:35 Pat Smith and DJ Young upset the world’s number 1 team
1:04:14 Stop Alzheimer’s Now questions