PicklePod Ep 71: Pros were literally scrambling to find legal paddles at MLP
Paddles were dropping left and right at MLP Dallas. Zane estimates that 90% of paddles were ruled out via PPL testing before the event. Affected pros were left searching for legal paddles.
The boys recap the MLP action including Federico Staksrud’s blow-up on Saturday, the now infamous two-become-one rule, and all of the vuvuzela noise.
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Show Notes:
Show Notes
0:00 Zane wants another shot at the DC squad
5:43 Not playing in Nationals
7:08 If Ben and ALW played men’s how far would they go?
8:25 A frantic call from Tropickleball about the Detroit Bounce tourney
10:33 Paddle drama is at an all-time high - assumed 90% fail
16:16 The law of diminishing grit
21:29 Two-become-one foot fault rule against Daescu
24:48 Vuvuzuela’s hard to listen to
27:34 Staks got out of hand, earned an Orange Card and a record fine
31:54 A shocker that the Black Diamonds didn’t make the cut
33:19 Shadows covered the court in Dallas
34:52 Alshon takes the MVP award
37:47 New 2024 schedule released
42:09 Thomas is struggling to find games in Austin