PicklePod Ep 73: This pro went absolutely ape sh** w/ Altaf Merchant
Altaf Merchant joins the pod after completing a perfect season in men’s senior pro doubles. The Mumbai Monster recaps the most exciting matches on his way to a 59-0 record.
Merchant explains how his fiery personality has gotten him into trouble on the court and shares why he thinks he was snubbed in the MLP 2023 draft.
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Show Notes:
0:00 Merchant vs the internet
5:32 Altaf’s claim to fame
9:34 The pressure of entering the senior tour
12:29 Hip thrusts for everyone
16:34 Altaf was snubbed for MLP
24:21 The race to sign Altaf
28:09 Pickleball in India
31:37 Best/Worst Zane memory
33:28 Any beefs on tour?
40:15 Rapid fire Altaf
43:28 Commitment to be a pro
48:59 Top 5 in all the wrong categories
51:58 Stop Alzheimer’s Now Campaign
59:39 Altaf’s social media team
1:02:20 How many matches to get an invite back to the pod?