The progression draw has been met with some pushback. Some pros aren't fans of being pushed aside to make room for tennis superstars.
The new carry rule has players everywhere arguing and pulling out their rulebooks. Zane lays out his bold predictions including another new serve rule.

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Show Notes:
0:00 Intro
4:19 Explaining the progression draw
9:03 Optics of unearned byes
15:53 Mama Waters is back
19:34 The race for points and paddles
25:33 The paddle responsible for the most W’s
29:50 Scouting the up and comers
35:01 Zane’s 2024 predictions
39:47 New Vulcan ball feels heavy
42:49 No gold for new pro tennis players
46:04 The Dink Awards voting
55:15 Rule change against carry
59:40 Correct server and receiver rule change and improved replays