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Seven Signs You Might Be a Pickleball Elitist

by Jason Flamm on

Before the hate mail arrives, this is meant to be fun and entertaining, not a scientific fact or a judgment of your character.

In fact, yours truly is guilty of each and every one of these.

If you're curious whether you're a pickleball elitist (like me), this is for you.


No. 7 - You have a "Pickleball Coach"

Taking pickleball lessons is a great way to get better quickly. They can show and teach you things you might not be able to see in your own game, and they typically understand how to show you better techniques.

But, if you've ever started a sentence with, "My pickleball coach says...," then you might be a pickleball elitist.

Why Coaching Up Your Teammate During Pickleball Rec Play is Not Helpful
Pickleball rec play is meant to be fun, social and relaxing. That can quickly change when some players decide to coach you up.

No. 6 - You judge players by their paddle

When you're at open play, do your eyes gravitate toward the paddle rack to see which brands of paddles are currently in your group?

Would you consider taking your paddle out of the rotation if you see a Z5, Hudef, or any paddle you'd find at Target?

You might be a pickleball elitist.

No. 5 - You scout ahead

Whether you physically show up at a park to scout who's there or you have WhatsApp or Swish downloaded on your phone JUST so you can find out "Who's playing today?" then you might be a pickleball elitist.

No. 4 - You say, "That's how the pros play"

Poaching is a viable strategy in pickleball, and there are absolutely times when you should do it.

But, if you regularly swipe your partner's shots and push them off the court to do so because "That's how the pros do it," then you might be a pickleball elitist.

And if you're a guy who refuses to play on the right side of a woman during rec play, then you are definitely a pickleball elitist ... and probably not a nice person.

How to Deal With THAT GUY in Open Play
Everyone knows THAT GUY in pickleball. The person we hate playing with. We describe who THAT GUY is and how to best deal with them.

No. 3 - You ask names so you can find DUPRs

Other players might think you're just being super nice when you ask for their first and last name (and sometimes a middle initial), but the truth is you plan on looking up their DUPR score when they aren't looking.

In this case ... yeah, you're a pickleball elitist.

No. 2 - You own AT LEAST three paddles

Some players seem to always have a new paddle they're "trying out."

And when a reset doesn't go their way, or they miss a few serves, it's clearly the paddle's fault.

How Often Should You Change Your Pickleball Paddle?
We asked our readers, “How often do you purchase a new paddle?” And, quite frankly, we were shocked by the results. Read how often you should change your pickleball paddle.

If you own more than three paddles at one time, then yes, you're a pickleball elitist.

Unless, of course, one of those is a z5 – then you might be Drake.

No. 1 - You only play with "good" players

The No. 1 sign that you might be – no, that you definitely are – a pickleball elitist is that you ONLY play with and against "Good" players.

Why You Play Better Pickleball Against Good Players
Why do you seemingly play better pickleball against better competition? We share some of the main reasons why and how it helps your game.

Of course, we all want to play with better players than ourselves, but not many of us are willing to go "down" that level. Yet, in every group, someone has to be the worst.

Fortunately, that's never you. Because you're a member of pickleball's elite.

Pickleball Skill Quiz
Find out your pickleball rating
Jason Flamm

Jason Flamm

Jason is a writer from St. Louis. He’s been a coach in several sports and is currently working on his pickleball coaching certification. He loves to teach and share his passions.

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